We've got instructional driving videos for a huge variety of driving scenarios
Our high resolution 3D animations and voice overs, guide pupils through the whole process of learning to drive, from being a complete beginner to complex junctions and manoeuvres.

Tailored to different car types
Manual transmission
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The full video collection, including navigation, will be displayed on your website.
The collection includes:

Preparing to drive
- The cockpit drill
- Using hand and foot controls
- Using the hand controls
- The importance of mirrors
- Giving signals
- Moving off, changing gear
and stopping safely
- Approaching junctions turning left
- Emerging from an open junction turning left
- Approaching junctions turning right, giving way to oncoming vehicles
- Approaching a junction turning right using a dedicated right turn lane
- Approaching a junction turning right using a dedicated right turn lane
- Emerging from open junctions turning left
- Emerging from a closed junction turning right
- Emerging from a stop junction
- Emerging from a one way street turning right
Everyday driving
- Meeting traffic
- Pedestrian crossings
- Following distance dry weather driving conditions
- Following distance wet weather driving conditions
- Waiting in a queue of traffic
- Level crossings
- Road position left hand bend
- Road position right hand bend
- Slip road onto dual carriageway increase speed to fit in with flow of traffic
- Slip road onto dual carriageway decrease speed to fit in with flow of traffic
- Sat Navigation
- Introduction to crossroads
- Crossroads following road ahead
- Crossroads turning left
- Turning right using turning boxes offside to offside (back to back)
- Turning right nearside to nearside using turning boxes
- Turning right using local knowledge
- Turning right at crossroads but unsure of location
- Unmarked crossroads
- Traffic lights driving ahead (with a box junction)
- Traffic lights turning left (with box junction)
- Traffic lights turning right (with box junction)
- Crossroads turning right clearing the junction
- Crossroads lights fail
- Crossroads with red mini emerging and turning right
- Crossroads with red mini emerging and turning right
- Emerging from crossroads turning right making eye contact
- Introduction to roundabouts treating as a clockface
- Turning left 1st exit at roundabouts
- Following road ahead 2nd exit
- Following road ahead 2nd exit from right hand lane
- Turning right with multiple lanes on approach/multiple lanes on exit
- Turning right at roundabouts but exiting in right lane
- Large roundabout road ahead 3rd exit
- Blockers at roundabouts
Mini roundabouts
- Mini roundabout turning left 1st exit
- Mini roundabout following road ahead 2nd exit
- Mini roundabout turning right 3rd exit
- Double mini roundabouts
- Turn in the road
- Reversing into a side road
- Reverse parallel park
- Bay park 90 degrees
- Bay park 45 degrees
- Forwarding into a parking bay
- Pull up safely on the right
- Hill start
- Controlled stop move off at an angle
- Emergency stop
- Avoiding emergency stop
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